Food Drive FAQs
Grocery Gift Cards
Cereal - Granola
Shelf Stable Milk
Dried Pinto Beans
Chicken Broth
Canned Corn
Jam - especially strawberry
Ranch Dressing
Aluminum Foil
Paper Towels
Original Packaging
Shelf Stable
Family Favorites
Check Dates
Fun Foods bring smiles
Fun Foods:
Baking mixes
Packaged Cookies
Flavored oatmeal packets
Sliced jalapeños
Community Donations:
If your school, club, or business is interested in organizing a donation drive, we would love to work with you.
We can also set up a group volunteer experience on one of our prep or marketplace days.
Email us at
Food Drives:
We provide a list of suggested items and milk crates if needed for collected food to be stacked and stored.
Some organizations create themed food drives such as holiday foods or a particular type of food like “cereal” “baking”, “spices”, or “condiments”.
Let us know by email what month you are hoping to have the drive and the number of people you expect to participate and we will make a plan that works for you. If the drive is larger than what an SUV or truck can carry, a pick up at your site can be arranged.
Christmas Stocking Stuffer Drives:
Each December, we offer small stocking-stuffer type gifts for the adults that attend our food distribution to select and give to their loved ones. In October and November, volunteer groups sign up to supply 20 or more stocking-stuffer bags. It’s fun to shop for these small items and groups often gather to assemble the items into the bags.
Back-to-School Drives:
The backpacks, water bottles, notebooks, calculators, pens, markers, and such that students want to start their year, put a strain on many family budgets. School supplies are a welcome donation.